Title: Turn it on love now Genre: Rock and Roll Key of D
Turn it on love now Turn it on love now Turn it on love now Turn it on love now
It taste of salt and sweet your ears can ah ya hear melody ah how ove la la la la la la
It warms your feet and beats my heart, oh wow you know how when love la la la la la
Turn it on love now
Turn it on love now
We know it's love, turn on turn on turn it turn it on love now
We know it's love, turn on turn on turn it turn it on love now
Turn it on love now
off and on off and on off and on off and on again we'll be friend on and on love la la la
(music solor)
Turn it on love now
Turn it on love now
We know it's love, turn on turn on turn it turn it on love now
We know it's love, turn on turn on turn on
The rhythm is now to use our words, the lyrics help to convey the psalms
We know it's love
Turn it on love now
Turn it on love now
Turn it on love now
Turn it on love now
We know it's love, turn on turn on turn it turn it on love now
We know it's love, turn on turn on turn it turn it on love now
C PeggyPennyDiaryland.comReserved
10:04 a.m. - 2023-08-14
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