My List
When asked about these people that I know,
these are my answers.
CG - "Love In My Life" "From What Where Who When Why?"
M. Chance - "Regrets Are Forgotten Never"
M. Owens "there are only two 'a' in soulmate) you read correctly.
Noon 0- Let me get back tah yah
JK Composition - always and forever
Andy Bo - Never A Chance. Read names above and understand.
Young Willy - Unbelievable and that's a 'no.' Mario, Carlos, Jesus,
Nazareth has the highest population of equal race in middle east.
Bahama Bob - married and never told me. Keith Been There10pts.
Hand Biter, help saught oaght a been sooner rather than layers.
ID Theft and Cancel Culture + Ego Id, cognitive crimes edit deletes.
Franks and beans tells my future husband that I am a 'wink wink'
prostitute from Texas... I never been to Texas and another male person
told people even sicker about a crying bj technique. Why tell men stories
like these? To make the men believe that they can treat me like that.
The public men in entertainment treat me with sexual abuse in front of
other men; because they want the other men to follow their lead and
abuse me sexually in front of them.
These men are mental sick wanting to abuse women in public to show
their 'power' in the local entertainment sector
and use their positions to 'express their sexuality of 'their' desires
toward women in "Show Biz"...
It is PERSONAL and not 'good' real or appropriate public publications.
Okay, here's a good one. It was just too much for me.
In a restaurant, he decided to kiss me in public for our first kiss, and
I did not respond well. And, I have a loud voice. I melted into a person
unable to act out, change, pretend my feelings outloud for everone to
see our first kiss in public by script in the guys mind. Not mine. HIS.
The truth is suppose to be funny, if I'm a comic, I tell MY TRUTH.
How it went wrong:
Mr. Kanker - "Decision Still Unchanged"
KLee-pretend what you feel and call yourself an artist.
ShPh-wish I could have known you better than not at all.
Chakara-Make up not the answer. Catch me at e mail .
YahYah-from your living room window across the street.
decided to make our first kiss one in a restaurant while waiting for an open table, no warning, and I can see that he has a new kanker on his lip that he got from singing in the cold morning at a gig, but that does't matter how, that lip was not going to touch mine, and certainly not when I absolutely will not kiss someone and get herpes for any reason. But, he crossed the line with intent. To be with him means getting kanker on my lip and I answered with a 'sound' 'NO'.
I don't feel bad since he choose to initiate a kiss when my purpose for being there was not person, I was there with a crew of three other people, watching this go down along with restaurant crew and diners there to see me perform directly after him.
Men who have years of proven friendship never having done anything
inappropriate towards, with, at to me. Are the men who tell me that these
other men spread sexual induendo rumors about themselves having had
adult physical relations with me that are sick, because the goal is to watch
other men abuse me sexually. The man telling the story feels powerful
believing that other men abuse me because of his power to whisper behind
other adult's back that he had a phsycial experience with me in private.
Absolutely not true. I am generation X. The men are mentally sexually disturbed and have been cognatively controlled into behaving to "in real life" perform behaviars that have been displayed in ads, friendship, social media abuse to women in entertainment, as though the women are dolls, toys, objects.
the men work together with other men to achieve their goal of getting off.
What should I do when someone makes a really bad decision to try to trick me
into including me "into' his health issue so I will 'be' with him.
I do not agree with that and I do not change my mind about my 'no'
I guess I'll make statement that's "My Mind Still Unchanged"
A man sitting at a table saw the whole thing go down, stood up and challenged the kanker person and suddenly men flying with fists. I ran away. I choose neither.
CAABonilla - go home Her-I was wrong but did not know how to understand what had happened to us. VC-best hair ever and love the skirt
11:55 a.m. - 2024-08-22