Song Title: "A Life Time To Get Over"
Genre: Ballad Key of E Time: 4/4
My heart can't cry
when my eyes can see us
And the stars can mean
that some things are
The past is over
We were lovers
It's just my heart
that's broke
Taking a life time
to get over
Taking a life time
to get over
The past is over
We were lovers
It's just my heart
that's hurt
Taking a life time
to get over
Taking a life time
to get over
Never Could
If I forgive myself
will it make any
I still can't change the past
I can't go back and
The past is older
We were younger
It's just my heart
that's lost
Taking a life time
to get over
Taking a life time
to get over
If I believe in the end
of eternity will you find me?
We were lovers
The past is over
It's just my heart that's gone
Taking a life time to recover
Taking a life time to get over
Taking a life time to get over
My heart can't cry
when my eyes can see us ....
Copyright 2000 Peggy Penny-Reserved-Diaryland
1:41 p.m. - 2024-10-30
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